We are now here, halfway in to the year and it is my first time I get to do this tag! Ahh, I am so exited!! I will do my best to not just answer the same on everything haha! Okay, let's do this!!
Oh, wait! Credit where credit is due! I think there are two people who have created this tag, but I can only find one of the videos, I think the other one is deleted or something. If not, please send me the link and I will give credit there too! Here are the one video I can find anyhow!
Also, we all have different opinions, so please respect mine as I respect yours.
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2019.
This has been a year with soooo many good once! So here comes my top five. Yes I will cheat on this question, it's just to hard to pick only one...

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2019.
I am sorry, but again, it just have to be two answer here too!

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.
I have read some of them but not everyone, so i would love to get my hands on this copy soon enough!

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
This one is easy. And the cover is just a beauty!

5. Biggest disappointment.

6. Biggest surprise.
I don't think the biggest surprise for me isn't a book, but a genre. I don't usually read contemporary, but this year I have enjoyed a lot of them! That is the biggest reading surprise for me.
7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)
Maureen Johnson! I read Truly Devious and The Vanishing Stair by her and they have become one of my all time favorite series, so I gotta say her!

8. Newest fictional crush.
I got a massive friend crush on all the whole girl gang from King Of Fools!
9. Newest favourite character.
Jac from Shadow Game. We learned so much more about him in King Of Fools and he is so interesting.
10. Book that made you cry.
Most of them? haha! No, but for real, a lot of them did. But a special scen from King Of Fools had me ugly crying...
11. Book that made you happy.
Finale! It is so whimsical and lovely! Everyone should give Caraval a chance.
12. Favourite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
I have actually not seen one!
13. Favourite review you've written this year.
Maybe this one?
14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
Without one doubt, the hardback copy of Srocery Of Thorns.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
I have a lot I want to read. So a top five again maybe?
Capturing The Devil - Kerri Maniscalco
Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo
There Will Come A Darkness - Katy Rose Pool
The Broken Earth - N.K Jemisin
Modern Faerie Tales - Holly Black
Read happily and stay safe! // A Home In Pages