Well heeello there! I am a planner-person. I haven't always been, but the last year have really turned me around on that point. I use my planner an almost embarrassing amount of time. So when I found this tag...I just had to do it. Here you can found the original tag video on Youtube!
1. Pay day!
-A book you would buy right now. Cost doesn’t matter!
For the longest time now, I have wanted to add this version of my favorite books to my collection. I love that the spine forms the castle and I love the covers soo soo much!

2. Pay a bill
A book you would get rid of right now
I actually unhaul books from my shelfs quite frequently. The last ones was The Narnia chronicles. It was just not for me.

3. Doctor appointment
-a book that makes you feel better when you are down
A Darker Shade Of Magic. It feels like home for me, and it feels safe I guess.

4. Meeting
-a book or series you felt obligated to read because of the hype
I actually don't feel obligated to read anything I don't feel interested in, but one book that the hype made me want to read is this - now finished - series.

5. Lunch date
a book or series that you feel in love with because a friend recommended it to you.
This one is easy, and I present to you... - yes, I know I talk way to much about this one-...Mistborn!

6. Work/school week
a book that was hard to get through (Spoilers)
To give this answer really makes me sad because I really looked forward to it. Nevertheless, it is the first one I think of. The plot was sooo slow and the character was way to gentle and good to just snap in such a way...

7. Gym day
a book that gets your heart pumping because it was such an exciting page turner.
I finished this book this evening and daaarn! it was amazing! I have been in a readingslump and this book took me out of it and I finished it (443 pages) in like three days and that is such a great feeling.

8. Date night
a book with your favorite romantic couple
Here we go again, because I will comment with a book couple that I think I have talked about quite a bit. Rhysand and Feyre of The Night Court.

9. Vacation
a book or series you would want to binge on if you had all the time in the world.
I would like to reread the Acotar series this year, so maybe I would take that with me. Also, Harry Potter, it's time to reread that too.

10. To Do List
- A book that you keep meaning to get to but don’t have the time for
The Song Of Ice And Fire. I want so to read that, but first of all: it is so think and long that it is a little scary and the thing that actually made me comment with this series on this precis question, is takes time to read such a long series.

Stay safe!
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