Okay, I know I have been putting up posts unregulary (to put it lightly). But here I am now and I will try to get back to somewhat regular posting, if so just one post per week, but I can't promise anything. But here I am now. Maybe I should do a tag? In the spirit of me. Yeah? Okay, lets do that? Let's do the...The rapid Fire Book Tag. I found it here! and from what I understad, it is her own tag. If not, please tell me so I can edit the post. Btw, you should totally check out here site, I got stuck there for a while haha! It is good!
Let's get this fire started!
E-Book or physical book?
Physical books all the way. I love the feel of a book in my hands, the smell, everything about it. I do not get the same feeling with an E-book. And my eyes and head hurts after a while...
Paperback or hardback?
Depends. I love the look of hardbacks in my shelfs, but I like the feeling of paperbacks when I read. Also, if it a really thick book I want the hardcover, just so I don't break the spine!
Online or in-store book shopping?
Online! Mostly because I still live with a student's mindset and it's like thirty procent cheaper to buy books online where I live!
Trilogis or series?
Trilogies. I think that series often have a way of being to long and it get a lot of time that wasn't really necessary in the books. There are obvious series where this is not true, like Harry Potter, where many bo0ks are needed for the full story!
Heros or villians?
Both? Like I think the villians are way more interesting to read about, but I want the good one to win kinda. So maybe an anti-hero?
A book you want everyone to read?

Recommend an underrated author
I actually do not read that many books from authors who doesn't get the recognition they deserve. I am a very "hyped books" kinda reader.
Last book you finished?

I gave it 3,5/5 stars on GG
Weirdest thing you've used as a bookmark?
I really don't use one haha. I just use Goodreads and hope that I do not forget to update it. Wow, I am kinda boring, ain't I?
Used books: yes or no?
No. I no that I am the minority for this one, but I want mine in really mint condition and I kinda want to know where they have been I guess?
Top three favorite generas?
Fantasy, YA, SiFi
Borrow or buy?
Buy, all days out of the week. I want to make that shelfs look flawless haha!
Character or plot?
The characters gotta be good or else I can't read the book. I need to care about it. But at the same time there gotta be some plot. If the story goes nowhere, I have a very hard time to stay invested and tend to dnf it.
Long or short books?
Name the first three books you think of

Books that makes you laugh of cry?
Laugh! But the crying is good too, as long as it is not all to much. I have a hard time recover from it. (Yes, I am talking to you, fifteen year old me after Tifios)
Our world or fictional?
Well, our world is what it is right now,, but both have their sides.
Audiobooks: yes or no?
A big yes! I get so much more reading done when I can have an audiobook! To and from work, when I walk the dog, just when I do other stuff that requires that I do not physically read.
Do you ever judge a books by its cover?
All the time, I am sorry...
Book to movie or book to TV?
Book to movie I think. Less time for it to be unfair to the book haha!
A Movie or TV show you preferred to the book?
Divergent I think. Not a fan of those books.
Series or standalones?
I love a good standalone, but If I only got to read one or the other, it would always be series. I want the time to get to know the characters and for the plot to grow.
Thanks for staying for this little moment of bookish fun!
Have a good time until next time!
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