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Game Of Thrones Book Tag

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I really missed doing tags the last month, so I wanted to throw in one here, and when I was looking for a good one, I found this. Game Of Thrones Book Tag. Books and one of my favorite tv-shows? Sounds good. Here can you find the original tag video on Youtube!

Here we go! Enjoy!

1. Arya - A character that's all about revenge

So I haven't really read this book, but I have heard what it about and this character pretty much makes up the plot. So I will go with Victor from Vicious!

2. Varys - A book featuring political intrigue

I will actually go with a book series I haven't talked about here yet I think. And that would be Throne of glass. I am still to read the last two books, but I hope I will get to it soon enough.

3. Joffrey - A villain you just love to hate

Oh, I just have to go with Sebastian Morgenstern from The Mortal Instrument!

4. Jon Snow - A coming of age story

From one of last years faves, I will go with Ace of Shades and the character Enne Salta.

5. Jaime & Cersei - A ship you just can't get behind

Tamlin and Ferye from A Court of series. It's just so toxic and I would never stand behind that kind of relationship.

6. Lady Olenna - A kickass older character

It is not that she looks that old, but she is. I am talking about the one and only Tessa Grey

7. Dany - A book featuring dragons

I have not read that many books that has dragons in them, but we all know about the Hungarian Horntail, don't we?

8. Sansa - A character you grew to love

Helen Aquilla, without a doubt. First I kinda couldn't stand her, but as the story went on I just really came to love her. She has such strength and love for the people close to her. As a matter in face, she is one of my all time favorite female characters.

9. Melisandre - An favourite magic system

Oh yes, here we go again. I don't know how many times I have talked about this book, but it is worth talking about. My favorite magic system is the one from Mistborn.

10. Tyrion - A character whose weapon is their mind

Charlotte Holmes. She was the first who came to mind and she is a fancy character. I really love this series and I need to read the third one very soon!

I hope this was as fun for you as it was for me. Stay safe and happy reading


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