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Truly Devious. The Vanishing Stairs

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Hello there, Long time, no see!

Alot has happend this month, so the blog has just had to take the side lines, but here I am once again. And I am back today to talk about a new series that I discovered. The Truly Devious series. And I need to talk about it. So I will warn you right here, it will be spoilers.

So if you have not read this books, turn around and do not read. Also, this post will not make much sense if you have not read it, it is not a review, more of a fangirling scream in letters on a page on the internet. So I am repetering:


So let's just talk about the awesomeness that is Ellingham Acadamy. A free school where you read what interest you. How cool? And then we have the library?? Made to look like a church because Albert Ellingham thought of learning as his religion. Also, the students can ask for ANY book and the library just fix it? That is a dream, now is it not? And the houses? It's like they made the students tiny school families. That is A-amazing.

I have always loved mystery books and this was one of the best I have ever read. It keep my guessing from page to pages. And the main characters made the book even better. Stevie, Janelle, Nate and David. The crew.

I just want to say, wow. That is all.

Where do you look for someone who’s never really there? Always on a staircase but never on a stair?


Stay safe


A Home In Pages



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