So I have a lot of feeling about this character named Tamlin in Acotar. And they are not pleasant. In fact, I think I kind of loathe the guy.
Before I start....SPOILERS! So, if you read on and get spoiled, it's on you. Also, if you really like Tamlin, you don't want to read this and I am sorry for being very mean to him, but this is just what I think. If you don't feel that way about him, that is fine and good. But just as you can have your opinions, I can have mine. It is not my mening to offend anyone, but If you are offended of someone saying means things about Tamlin, do not read this, thank you.
I mean, the first time I read it I didn't think that much of the behavior that he shows. I didn't put that much thought in to the way he treats Feyre, with that: I am much stronger then you so why wouldn't you do exactly as I say even tough I wont give you an explanation to anything at all?
That is one thing that makes me so darn angry! He dares to give her commands...Like he own her. News flash you shitbag, you do not...
He might be all powerful and he might be able to kill a lot with minimal effort, but I don't really think that is something to be proud over and it does not give one the right to control someone elses life in the way that he tries.
Look at Rhysand being all able to kill Tamlin with little effort and he can still treat his family and love AND everyone else around him with respect. So it is obviously not that darn hard...
He is mad at everything and everyone and their grandmother has to watch out, because why would he have to chill down enough not to scare everyone around him, he is The High Lord of The Spring Court after all. But somehow he still justify it, and that makes me just...
And when Feyre leaves him because he does the one thing she tells him not to do, then he thinks we should feel sorry for him?
Wow, you treated her like shit and she didn't like it? Very surprising indeed.
So I just feel like Tamlin can go and sit in a corner and maybe think about how to continue with his life and not be a total dickhead...
Okay, I am out of anger. Thank you for listening...