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Just a book I am writing

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This one of those things I have to do without thinking to hard about it, or i will chicken out. I have thought many times about putting out something I have written, out there, on the internet. And well, nobody reads this blog, so what can be safer? I just need to do it, and then maybe I can grow from it. I think.

Do I need to say that this is my work and no one is allowed to use it in any way? I will say it anyway. This is my own material and no one is allowed to copy it, sell it or in any way use it.

So here is a Prolog or a first chapter or something like that...*Nervous laugther*

Chapter One

Angry, nineteen-year-old Amara Seth Williams stumbled out from the home she once knew. Her light blue shirt was ripped over the middle section, from one side to the other. If one were to look, one could see the scar that was cut open time after time after time. The stomach that no one saw and there for no one knew. That´s how her father liked it. She could still feel his hand on her back, hard and violent, pushing her out, away and this time it was not for a day or two. This time it was permanent. Even if he would, by some miracle, take her in again, she couldn’t do it anymore. She had to get away. So that was where she was going. Away. Exactly where away was, that was a question for another time. For now, all she could make herself do, was to walk and so, she walked. Her feet hurt, not because she wasn’t used to walking, she did that all the time when her father would send her out to do the chores before the sun had really risen. Her feet hurt because she had not had the time to grab her shoes. So now her bare feet stuck the pebbles over and over again. But she did not stop. She had nowhere to stop. So, she kept walking, until the morning became day, became evening, became early night and she begun to look around for somewhere to sleep. She did not want to go and beg for somewhere to spend her night. It was a small town and people had the bad habit to speak when they should not. And if there was something she did not desired, it was being more in the center of things then she had to.

Down the road, she could see the ships in the dock. She could see the blue water that slowly turned to black and the…With a jerk she was pulled backwards. Someone had a tight grip on the ripped shirt and did not let go, even when she stumbled and nearly fell. With what little balance she still got left she tried to turn and get away, but with no luck. She did however, lose the balance and fall on her side. Her hands hit the ground hard and she felt the pebbles dig into her palms. Bindley, she fumbled after something, anything she could use as a weapon, but she was not fast enough, and her attacker was. A foot kicked her hand away and her face hit the small stones before someone yanked her up on her two feet again. This time when she spun around, she met the gaze of a man.

“What the actual…”

“You are not Cassandra Lorense”, the man said with a think dialect. British maybe?

“No kidding”, Amara answered angrily and tried her best to put her wounded feet steady on the ground.

“What have the poor girl done to you?”

“None of your business, girl”, the man said and let her go with a push. He had wild, black hair, too short to be put in a ponytail, but too long to be seen as boyish. His eyes, a dirty blue, rested on her face and she did not like it.

“It kind of became my business when you dragged my ass on the ground”, she spat, and the man looked at her with a somewhat confused look.

“What do you do in the street at this hour anyway?”, he asked.

“Who are you? The police of the road? I can walk where and whenever I feel like it”, she said.

“I am a pirate”

“A pirate? I see, that’s why you are on dryland” She couldn’t help feeling a little proud to still be able to talk back even though she was in fact really afraid.

“Funny. I am Cordell Savage” He was waiting for something. Some kind of recognition, Amara thought.

“And I am Amara Seth Williams. Good to have that out of the way. Now if you excuse me, I have nowhere to be, so I better get going”

She was on her way to move when Cordell’s hand found her shoulder and kept her put. “You are young”


“And a girl”

“That was a fine observation. I am both young and a girl” Who was this man?

“I mean”, he said, still with his hand on the shoulder. “You got to have a reason for walking around at this hour, all alone...and bloody” She let her gaze grace him. She didn’t answer, she didn’t know what to say to this supposed to be pirate.

“I am not one of those poor kids without anyone, if that is what you think”, she said when she finally did speak.

“You are hardly a kid, and that shirt does not give me the vibe of a poor person”

“It is not your business to talk about, and sense I did not drag your ass on the ground, it stands that way”

“Do you have somewhere to sleep tonight?”, Cordell asked.

“There is always somewhere to sleep”, she said and without thinking about it her gaze went to her bare feet. It would be a cold night.

"I have a ship not long from here and you are welcome to stay over the night”

“And be raped by your whole crew? I don’t think so”, she said and shook her head. She did not plan to die that night.

“They will not touch you. You can have my room”, ha answered.

“Why? Why would you do that?”, she asked suspiciously.

“Think of it like an apology for dragging your ass on the ground” He smiled and held put a hand for her to take. She did not take it as she walked with him over the stones farther away from home and on to the shore.

If I wake up and I find anyone over me…I will cut it of”, Amara said as she looked around on the ship. It was in the dead of the night by now and she wanted nothing more than to lay down on the bed that was placed in the left corner. But she heard enough stories not to be naïve about it.

“I got the feeling you might”, Cordell said.

“Here” In his hand was a knife and now he was offering it to Amara who smiled.

“That’s cute”, From her belt she took out her own knife, twice the size of the one in Cordell's hand. Slowly he put it away and brought his hand up in the air.

“I will spread the word, miss” he said and backed away.

“Where will you sleep?”

“It’s a big ship”, he said. He closed the door behind him.


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A new chapter begins

Hello dear readers! I am very excited to tell you that I am moving to Wordpress! I hope I see you there. https://ahomeinpages.wordpress.c...


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