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Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year! It is time for the new year to begin and the old one to come to an end. I am so happy that I took the decision to make this blog because I have had so much fun with it and it makes me feel creative when I don't write my book. So thank you to everyone that reads it, if any one does, I hope I give you some joy.

To celebrate the new year, I thought I would do a tag. Something easy and fun. I found this tag on one of my favorite booktubers. You find her tag here, she is really super great!

1. How many books are you planning to read in 2018?

This year I don't want to stress myself out, so I want to set my goodreads goal at twenty books. I feel like that is realistic and I will just feel better if I happen to read more books than that!

2. Name 5 books that you didn’t get to this year but want to make a priority in 2018.

Oh, that is a hard question. But I have a few books that fit in. I want to finish Mistborn, The Second Generation. Michelle Obama's Becoming is also high up on the list. We have the Throne Of Glass series that I want to finish. I still have the last two books left and I hope I will get to it. I sorta lost interest in the series... I want to read Frankenstien by Mary Shelly. I don't really enjoy classics that much, but I want to read it because I think that Shelly wass a feminist and that is so cool! And the last one is Evermore that came out in december, but I have yet to get home in the mail.

3. What genre do you want to read more of?

I feel pretty satisfied with the generas that I read now, so I will just read what I feel like.

4. Name 3 non book related goals for 2018.

I want to challenge my anxiety more I want to get a job that I love And I want to finish writing my book! Maybe that was book related haha

5. What’s a book you’ve had forever that you still need to read?

The name of the wind! I just can't seem to get into it.

6. One word that your hoping 2019 will be:


7. Tag a friend!

Consider yourself tagged in this tag!


Have the most amazing New Year. Take care of each other, be safe and hug your loved ones. Also, please think about the dogs and cats and go easy on the fireworks.


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A new chapter begins

Hello dear readers! I am very excited to tell you that I am moving to Wordpress! I hope I see you there. https://ahomeinpages.wordpress.c...


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